Who? - www.cottonmouth.uk - American Bar Band : Blues, Roots, Country & good old Rock & Roll

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Pippa: Lead Vocals:  The girl with the amazing voice - not to mention perfect pitch! Our front person (behind whom we all hide) and now the longest serving member!
Eddie: Drums:  The newest partner replacing the retiring, last original member. The man at the back on whom we all depend for 'the rithum'!
Graham: Guitar & Vocals:  Graham has been in Cottonmouth for a couple of years now and has helped us define our sound. (He's whizzo on the guitar too - just listen to the Green River video 'outro'...)
Chris: Bass Guitar & Vocals:  Well, its the bass innit? Nobody notices the bass; 'til its not there... Also the general dogsbody, webmaster, facebooker and contact form email.
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